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Indiana is unique in the way they manage assisted living facilities. They are the only state that does not require a license for facilities that do not dispense medication. They only requires assisted living facilities that dispense medication to be licensed. This means that anyone can call their basement an assisted living facility and start taking in seniors. Indiana is ranked 32 for the highest percentage population of seniors with approximately 750,000 seniors. Indiana ranks 12th based on an overall cost of living index of 92  and a health care index of 94 for 2007. For seniors living in an assisted living facility, the cost of the facility and the cost of health care are the two largest expenses. The larger cities of Indianapolis, FortIndiana Assisted Living / Nursing Home FacilitiesWayne, Evansville and South Bend have the greatest selection of assisted living facilities and nursing homes. Other more rural areas may be very limited in available senior living options.

Indiana Assisted Living Facilities Government Inspection And Complaints

This directory includes 1015assisted living options for Indiana. Use the "Advance Search" to find the nearest 40 senior services based on your desired location or select a city and then choose a tab to see different types of senior care including nursing homes, Alzheimer's care centers, CCRCs, independent living, in-home and hospice care.

Nursing Homes
Here are the direct links to Bloomington Nursing Homes , Crawfordsville Nursing Homes , Evansville Nursing Homes , Fort Wayne Nursing Homes , Kokomo Nursing Homes , Lafayette Nursing Homes , Marion Nursing Homes , Michigan City Nursing Homes , Muncie Nursing Homes , South Bend Nursing Homes , Terre Haute Nursing Homes , Vincennes Nursing Homes , or use the advanced search and limit your results to Nursing Homes.