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Finding the perfect Assisted Living facility in Washington, DC can be a challenge. There's so many factors that come into this critical decision. Most people make the decision primarily based on proximity to their home or the home of a loved one. Since Medicare does not cover assisted living, the cost of a facility or center is also very important. Since assisted living can people short-term and long-term, the cost can have a significant impact on a residence standard of living. Many seniors who enter an assisted living facility, directly from the hospital or a nursing home. This transition can be very difficult and can sometimes cause disorientation. By keeping the facility in familiar environment, you can minimize the impact on the senior.

Washington DC Assisted Living And Nursing HomesOther important factors in selecting a Washington, DC assisted living center our safety and amenities. You can confirm the safety record on the Washington, DC Department of human resources website. Where wherever possible we try to add as much detail about amenities. We also have information about costs and other details that can be important in your decision. Since this site is free to vendors, we are able to have a more complete list than some of the paid assisted living sites. If you are searching for an assisted living facility for a loved one, we also recommend finding a nursing home or a continuing care facility. This can make transitions between different facilities and less stressful event. Many seniors seem to bounce between facilities based on their current health condition. In order to give a senior the very best care, they need an independent advocate and someone who understands all the available options.

Washington DC Assisted Living Facilities Inspection and Complaints.

Washington, DC is the only area in the country that does not inspect assisted living facilities. They do not maintain records of inspection reports and that they do not maintain records of complaints or allow people to generate complaints. Because of this substandard governmental regulation, assisted living facilities in Washington, DC are a greater gamble than in any other part of the country.

This directory includes 140assisted living options for DC. Use the "Advance Search" to find the nearest 40 senior services based on your desired location or select a city and then choose a tab to see different types of senior care including nursing homes, Alzheimer's care centers, CCRCs, independent living, in-home and hospice care.