Please read this entire page before you create a listing. We apologize for being so blunt but our job is much more difficult because of the spammers and cheaters that try to work the system.

Do not waste your time and ours if you are NOT a licensed senior care provider .

Your listing will be DELETED if you are a reverse mor gage broker, dentist, entertainer, realtor, hair stylist, lawyer or other inappropriate service for this senior care directory.

If you are planning on creating a one-paragraph listing with no pictures or reviews, please don't waste your time and ours. We try to push out the low-quality listings because they waste everyone time. Since low-quality listing don't stand out in the tens of thousands of listings any ways, they won't help you get any significant business. If you want to get customers from this site, you must help us.

To get any benefit from you free listing, you must:

Create a complete listing with photos and tons of details like size of the facility and your contact info.

Check the check-blocks for every type of living or senior care (assisted living, home care, nursing....).

Having your current clients or customers review your services on this site.

Link from your website to us. (we must have links to continue to provide this service).

SeniorLiving and AssistedSenioreLiving are 2 of the highest traffic organic senior care directories. With over 100,000 unique visitors per month, these sites are focused on helping caregivers find local senior care and senior living. This site specifically targets users searching on terms like "Denver Assisted Living" so if you provide a service that targets local caregivers, this site will give you the most return on your effort. Our ability to provide a high traffic independent and free directory is based on having other sites link to us and that we add value by having lots of reviews about each listing.

We are not a paid-inclusion website like most of the other senior sites. We do not aspect money to be included in the directory or to be put on the top of the directory. We do not accept money from any senior care providers and we do not change the search results based on being paid. This site is supported by people who call one of the consultant's phone numbers or complete a form requesting a consultation. We include every option for senior care in a fair and unbiased format..

The Assisted Senior Living Directory includes:

  • Assisted Living Facilities
  • Nursing Homes
  • Independent Living Facilities and Senior Apartments
  • In-Home Senior Care Services
  • Retirement Communities
  • Alzheimer's Or Dementia Care Centers
  • Hospice Care
  • Respite Care or Adult Day Care

If you agree to these terms, then click on the link below to open a new account. Each account can create multiple listings. After you create an account, you will receive an e-mail with information about creating listings.

Premium Upgrades

***Your link to Assisted Senior Living or SeniorLiving.Org can also be used to show off your facility by linking directly to an independent site showing reviews of your service. Our custom graphic looks great on your home page.

Editing Existing Listings

If you would like to update a listing that was originally created based on government data, you must create a new listing and then request that the original listing is deleted (by sending us both listing URLs).