Encanto Palms Assisted Living Request Pricing

3901 West Encanto Boulevard
Phoenix, AZ 85009

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Basic Information
This facility offersAssisted Living in Maricopa County and is operated by Senior Living Options, LLC. . Encanto Palms Assisted Living has a current rating of 0/10 based on 1 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. Encanto Palms Assisted Living is listed as a for-profit limited liability corporation. The nearest services to Encanto Palms Assisted Living are Nancy Ruff , Beverly Byerhoff , Young Life Assisted Living 2 , Summer Bloom and Civitan House . This facility/service is rated for 97seniors.
ID or License No: ALC-4911- Licenses may be pulled at any time so please confirm the status with the service or your local government licensing organization.
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Contact Information
Name: Encanto Palms Assisted Living
Address: 3901 West Encanto Boulevard
Location: Phoenix, AZ 85009
County: Maricopa
(888) 655-5454
(602) 352-0000
FAX: (602) 272-6533
Org. Type: for-profit limited liability corporation
Details About Encanto Palms Assisted Living
Encanto Palms Assisted Living Reviews
0 Star Rating
I would not recommend Encanto Palms to my worst enemy
My mother was at Encanto Palms. She fell at 4am and them did not get her to hospital til 5pm. My mother past away in Encanto Palms. She was in the Behavioral word. Gloria Acedo at that time had no nursing education My mom wanted to go to the hospital I told Gloria that my mom wanted to go to the hospital and She rolled her eyes at me and told me that she would go get my mother her pain meds. That was on a Tuesday my mom died Friday morning.
Posted by: scottcarolallen@aol.comOn 03/31/2010

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