Sangre de Cristo Hospice Request Pricing

1207 S Pueblo Boulevard
Pueblo, CO 81005-1507

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Basic Information
This facility offersHospice CareIn-home care in Pueblo County. Sangre de Cristo Hospice has a current rating of 10/10 based on 1 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. The nearest services to Sangre de Cristo Hospice are HomeCare Plus , Life Care Center Of Pueblo , Columbine Chateau II , Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center/Chautard and Pueblo Regent . This service is described as Hospice Care.
Average Review10 Star Ratingbased on 1 Review(s) Create A Review
Contact Information
Name: Sangre de Cristo Hospice
Address: 1207 S Pueblo Boulevard
Location: Pueblo, CO 81005-1507
County: Pueblo
(888) 655-5454
FAX: 719-542-1413
Details About Sangre de Cristo Hospice
Sangre de Cristo Hospice Reviews
10 Star Rating
Wayne McKay
This center took care of my grandfather for the last hours of his life. My mother would call me to tell me hewasn't doing well and that they had finally decided with the assistance of the hospice nurse that it would be a good idea if they didn't want him to pass in the home , to go ahead and move him to the hospice center. The nurse had called ahead and made all the arrangements to include the medications and families needs all the way down to the most minute detailsof what he likes and has done in his life. The nurse was able to have a room that had the details of leather furniture and antique cars on the walls. This room was perfect for my grand-dad to relax and let go of his earthly life and move on to his painfree life. I wish I knew the name of the young man who organized this for my family, but because I live out of town that detail has escaped me. I am certain the nurse could remember my grandfather and the family that was there so to you I say thank you for everything you have done for my family and all the others you have touched.
Posted by: sheila_mailOn 07/07/2010

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