Park Meadows Health & Rehab Center 1 Request Pricing

3250 Sw 41st Pl
Gainesville, FL 32608

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Basic Information
This facility offersNursing Home Services in Alachua County. Park Meadows Health & Rehab Center 1 has a current rating of 0/10 based on 1 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. Park Meadows Health & Rehab Center 1 is listed as a for-profit corporation. The nearest services to Park Meadows Health & Rehab Center 1 are Southwest Retirement Home , Veterans Administration HBP (118G) , Signature Healthcare Of Gainesville , Interim HealthCare and Gainesville Health Care Center . This facility/service is rated for 154seniors. This service is described as Nursing Home Facility.
Average Review1 Star Ratingbased on 1 Review(s) Create A Review
Contact Information
Name: Park Meadows Health & Rehab Center 1
Address: 3250 Sw 41st Pl
Location: Gainesville, FL 32608
County: Alachua
(888) 655-5454
(352) 378-1558
Medicare Accepted / Medicaid Accepted
Org. Type: for-profit corporation
Details About Park Meadows Health & Rehab Center 1
Park Meadows Health & Rehab Center 1 Reviews
1 Star Rating
Facility and staff
I was appalled when I went to visit my husband at this facility. He was there for physical therapy and rehabilitation after being transferred there from Shands. From the minute I walked in the door, with a dozen or so residents lined up in wheelchairs at the front door made it impossible to pass through, the odor....especially in the cafeteria would make anyone his room. The bed was a joke and looked like it had been bought at a garage sale. The gentleman in the room with him at been taken by ambulance to the hospital a day or so prior and his bed had not been cleaned, all breathing tubes and containers with bodily fluids were still laying there along with feeding tube bag and hose. The bathroom was disgusting. I had known he had an issue with the place but was just floored by what I saw. I checked him out for lunch and once we left there noticed he was having difficulty breathing and so I took him back to emergency room where he was promptly readmitted. My son and I went back to Park Meadows to get his things and to let them know what was going on and one RN barely looked up much less got out of her chair and said "Yeah, what do you want me to do about it....we can't do anything for him if he is sick anyway" I WAS LIVID......THE LACK OF CARE AND COMPASSION IS UNBELIEVABLE....I can certainly see how if you don't have all your wits about you how harm could come to a loved one in a place like this. I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THIS PLACE TO ANYONE AT ALL......IS DISGUSTING.
Posted by: ck9to5@aol.comOn 08/17/2009

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