Brookshire (The) Request Pricing

85 Bulldog Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32901

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Basic Information
This facility offersAssisted Living in Brevard County and is operated by Catalina Gardens Health Care Assoc., LLC . Brookshire (The) has a current rating of 3/10 based on 1 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. Brookshire (The) is listed as a for-profit limited liability corporation. The nearest services to Brookshire (The) are Avante At Melbourne , Carnegie Gardens Nursing Center , Hibiscus Court , Superior Home Halthcare Services Inc. and Visiting Angels . This facility/service is rated for 125seniors. This service is described as Assisted Living Facility. The main contact for Brookshire (The) is Phenix, Leasa R.
ID or License No: 7354- Licenses may be pulled at any time so please confirm the status with the service or your local government licensing organization.
Average Review3 Star Ratingbased on 1 Review(s) Create A Review
Contact Information
Name: Brookshire (The)
Address: 85 Bulldog Blvd.
Location: Melbourne, FL 32901
County: Brevard
(888) 655-5454
Contact: Phenix, Leasa R
(321) 984-7966
This facility has 40 OOS [state subsidized] bed(s) available.
Org. Type: for-profit limited liability corporation
Details About Brookshire (The)
Brookshire (The) Reviews
3 Star Rating
Roommate Problems The should be interviewed before placement.
I have lived here for 2 years. I have had trouble with unreasonable roommates who wish to play the TV all night long, while they are asleep and while I can't sleep. Sometimes they want to leave the lights on, again while they sleep and I try to. One roommate left cigarette butts around the room. There is a covered smoking area and it alarmed me that she MIGHT have smoked in our room. Synthetic fibers are found everywhere, which means even one spark could start a flash fire. When I went to management they asked me if I had actually seen my RM smoking and I said no. However, after that question they were dismissive of my report and did absolutely NOTHING about the smoking question. I was only concerned with the sick and immobile residents here. This very same RM was violent and had punched her last RM in the eye and down the check with a very, very nasty black eye. She had a deep purple bruise from her brow to edge of her mouth. No punishment for that. Don't these people have any common sense, let alone degrees and certificates?? This RM had also been kicked out once even before the black eye incident. Why did they let her back in and why was I left with 2 different violent RM in a row? On the good side, they have a homey feeling and reasonable rates. They have a great location just behind a strip mall with Publix, Radio Shack, a Hallmark store, a nail salon and other nice stores like The Dollar Store and Big Lots. So, do yourself a favor and fork over the extra money for a private room. Well worth it They have a van but they broke their word that they would be able to transport both regular wheelchairs and power chairs. As I can't push myself thru some stores I am limited to Walmart since they do have power carts of their own. What a pain! Promises, Promises...
Posted by: nlarsenOn 06/07/2016

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