Premier Senior Living Request Pricing

2106 Camelot Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-8104

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Basic Information
This facility offersAssisted LivingAlzheimer's And Dementia Care in Washtenaw County and is operated by John Wynn . Premier Senior Living has a current rating of 2/10 based on 1 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. The nearest services to Premier Senior Living are Arbor Care On Independence , Arbor Care Assisted Living , Michigan Visiting Nurses , Eisenhower Center - East Hall and Eisenhower Center - South Main . This facility/service is rated for 6seniors. This service is described as Small Group Residence.
ID or License No: AF810259072- Licenses may be pulled at any time so please confirm the status with the service or your local government licensing organization.
Average Review2 Star Ratingbased on 1 Review(s) Create A Review
Contact Information
Name: Premier Senior Living
Address: 2106 Camelot Rd.
Location: Ann Arbor, MI 48104-8104
County: Washtenaw
(866) 333-0736
Details About Premier Senior Living
Premier Senior Living Reviews
2 Star Rating
My grandmother is getting kicked out of this facility for having Alzheimer's. When we placed her there, we were assured by the owner that her monthly fee would not increase as we are paying them every dime that she receives from SS & her VA pension. Now, new owner's are kicking her out if we don't come up with $500 more each month. They've only given us 2 months to find her something new, they say they want her out on 5/10 even though her lease isn't up til the end of May. About the care, the food they serve is appalling. Frozen meat w/ gravy is their idea of a nutritious meal. There is little done to interact with the residents besides putting on the TV for them. We asked for them to use a humidifier because my grandma was getting sinus headaches and the doctor recommended it. We purchased a top-of-the-line model and showed them how to use it but they complained it was too much trouble to do.
Posted by: nlarsenOn 04/11/2011

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