St. Marys Afc Request Pricing

9601 St Marys
Detroit, MI 48227-8227

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Basic Information
This facility offersAssisted Living in Wayne County and is operated by Louisiana Homes Inc . St. Marys Afc has a current rating of 0/10 based on 1 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. The nearest services to St. Marys Afc are Fairlane Senior Care And Rehab Center , Tireman Care Home , Caring Hearts , City of Dearborn - Department of Citizens Resources and Crystal Home Healthcare . This facility/service is rated for 12seniors. This service is described as Medium Group Residence.
ID or License No: AM820009910- Licenses may be pulled at any time so please confirm the status with the service or your local government licensing organization.
Average Review0 Star Ratingbased on 1 Review(s) Create A Review
Contact Information
Name: St. Marys Afc
Address: 9601 St Marys
Location: Detroit, MI 48227-8227
County: Wayne
(888) 857-0829
Details About St. Marys Afc
St. Marys Afc Reviews
0 Star Rating
Do.t place you love ones here
This facility is not qualified to house animals let alone human beings, they receive food stamps for their clients yet all the time I worked there, They hardly ever bought food for the clients instead the meals are delivered by the Salvation army and that's just dinner, other meals staff would have to come out of their pockets to pay for it, there also in no maintenance done to the inside of the home, infested with bed bugs and roaches, currently the only ones housed their are the mentally disabled hearing impaired I don't know who rated the services below but they are extremely exaggerated
Posted by: nlarsenOn 03/06/2012

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