Elmcroft at Quintessence Request Pricing

7101 Eubank Blvd
Albuquerque, NM 87122

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Basic Information
This is 1 of about 55 options operated by Elmcroft Senior Living . You may want to checkout some of the overall reviews for Elmcroft Senior Living.

This facility offersAssisted Living and is operated by Elmcroft Senior Living . Elmcroft at Quintessence has a current rating of 6/10 based on 1 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. Elmcroft at Quintessence is listed as a for-profit organization. The nearest services to Elmcroft at Quintessence are The Montebello on Academy , Canyon Transitional Rehabilitation Center , La Vida Llena , Las Palomas Center and Odessy Healthcare .
Average Review6 Star Ratingbased on 1 Review(s) Create A Review
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Contact Information
Name: Elmcroft at Quintessence
Address: 7101 Eubank Blvd
Location: Albuquerque, NM 87122
Org. Type: for-profit organization
Details About Elmcroft at Quintessence
Elmcroft at Quintessence Reviews
6 Star Rating
Not so nice
Not such a compassionate place. My parents were charged $4500 for a total of 6 days. My mom and dad moved in together because of my dad?s need for extensive care. But my dad passed away 6 days after he moved in. My mother understandably did not want to stay without my dad there. Hearthstone's explanation of charges was not clear, and refused any further requests for detailed explanations of charges. My further requests for a reasonable settlement of charges was ignored and any further reviews by management not given. Their lack of compassion under the circumstances for a reasonable financial settlement to soften the blow to my mother was harsh and cold hearted. J.Parshall
Posted by: nlarsenOn 08/04/2011

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