Glenmere at Cloverwood Request Pricing

One Wheatley Terrace
Pittsford, NY 14534

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Basic Information
This facility offersAssisted Living in Monroe County and is operated by Cloverwood Senior Living, Inc. . Glenmere at Cloverwood has a current rating of 0/10 based on 1 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. Glenmere at Cloverwood is listed as a Not For Profit. The nearest services to Glenmere at Cloverwood are Highlands Living Center , Heather Heights of Pittsford , Laurelwood at the Highlands , Caritas Palliative Nursing Care and Monroe County Long Term Care, . This facility/service is rated for 30seniors. This service is described as Enriched Housing Program.
ID or License No: AF0626A- Licenses may be pulled at any time so please confirm the status with the service or your local government licensing organization.
Average Review0 Star Ratingbased on 1 Review(s) Create A Review
Contact Information
Name: Glenmere at Cloverwood
Address: One Wheatley Terrace
Location: Pittsford, NY 14534
County: Monroe
(888) 655-5454
(585) 248-1100
FAX: (585) 248-1101
Org. Type: Not For Profit
Details About Glenmere at Cloverwood
Glenmere at Cloverwood Reviews
0 Star Rating
All about appearances
Don't be fooled by smiles and appearance of the facility it is a cold and calculating business. There's a large turn over of employees. The staff creates an illusion of equal and active participation with and for residents. The place is too quite, people are lonelier there then at other facilities I've seen. It's really to bad because Glenmere appears to offer a so much but the management is so into the bottom line and appearances that they have a phony persona. Also, there are cliches amongst the residents and employees (like mean girls) and plenty of unhappy residents because of this. In short I wouldn't put my mother or father there and it is way too expensive!
Posted by: nlarsenOn 08/07/2011

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