Guilford Health Care Center, Inc. Request Pricing

2041 Willow Road
Greensboro, NC 27406

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Basic Information
This facility offersNursing Home Services in Guilford County and is operated by Guilford Health Care Center, Inc. . Guilford Health Care Center, Inc. has a current rating of 0/10 based on 1 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. Guilford Health Care Center, Inc. is listed as a No . The nearest services to Guilford Health Care Center, Inc. are Watlington Family Care Home No. 2 , Oak Hill Rest Home , Kindred Hospital - Greensboro , Watlington's Family Care Home and Westdale Manor . This service is described as Nursing Home Facility. The main contact for Guilford Health Care Center, Inc. is Ms. Ashley Sculley.
ID or License No: NH0564- Licenses may be pulled at any time so please confirm the status with the service or your local government licensing organization.
Average Review1 Star Ratingbased on 1 Review(s) Create A Review
Contact Information
Name: Guilford Health Care Center, Inc.
Address: 2041 Willow Road
Location: Greensboro, NC 27406
County: Guilford
(888) 655-5454
Contact: Ms. Ashley Sculley
Alternate: (336)272-9700
FAX: (336)274-5924
Org. Type: No
Details About Guilford Health Care Center, Inc.
Guilford Health Care Center, Inc. Reviews
1 Star Rating
Smiling Staff hides poor care
The staff seems always cheerful for the most part, but they really don't care for the patients. When you talk to upper management about the problems, they seem to be so caring and reassuring about the problems, but nothing positive happens. It all gets worse. Patients left to wash, dress, and carry on to themselves even when they are not able to. Left soiled on their beds for days unless they have a visitor who might help clean them. Management apparently does not see this as a problem, they just complain to you how overworked they are. Bruises and fractures are very common on patients, but no one knows how they happen. My belief is this place needs new management from Administrator, down. They need people that see our loved ones as human beings that need care, rather than like animals needing to be locked up and abused.
Posted by: Ami2009On 08/10/2009

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