Hospice of Wake County,, Inc. Request Pricing

1300 St. Mary's Street
Raleigh, NC

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Basic Information
This facility offersHospice Care in Wake County and is operated by Hospice of Wake County, Inc. . Hospice of Wake County,, Inc. has a current rating of 2/10 based on 1 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. The nearest services to Hospice of Wake County,, Inc. are Horizons Home Care , Raleigh Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center , Down East Health Care, LLC , Morningside of Raleigh and North Carolina Division of Aging . This service is described as Hospice. The main contact for Hospice of Wake County,, Inc. is John Thoma.
ID or License No: HOS1595- Licenses may be pulled at any time so please confirm the status with the service or your local government licensing organization.
Average Review2 Star Ratingbased on 1 Review(s) Create A Review
Contact Information
Name: Hospice of Wake County,, Inc.
Address: 1300 St. Mary's Street
Location: Raleigh, NC
County: Wake
(866) 466-6323
Contact: John Thoma
Details About Hospice of Wake County,, Inc.
Hospice of Wake County,, Inc. Reviews
2 Star Rating
Don't send a love one to its hospice facility
When my wife enter its hospice facility for pain management, she could converse, walk short distances with a walker, bath herself with a wash cloth, feed herself, sit up, watch TV, etc. With a little help, she could take care of her basic needs. A few hours after entering its hospice facility, hospice managed to turn her into a bedridden zombie that can no longer do any of these things. Since she has been here, hospice has feed her nothing and has given her little to drink. Actually, they almost immediately put her in a condition where she could not eat and could only occasionally drink small amounts. Of coarse they blame this rapid, almost instantaneous, decline on her disease. I have become convinced that the policy of hospice is to kill by patient as quickly as possible by starvation or dehydration and blame the death on the disease. If hospice feed and water an animal as little as it does its patients, it would be fined for animal cruelty. Is hospice getting a payoff from the insurance companies to get the patient to the morgue as quickly as possible? Don?t let hospice get its hands on anyone you love ? especially at one of its facilities.
Posted by: nlarsenOn 10/23/2011

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