Grace Pointe Cottage Neighborhood Request Pricing

1500 NW 12th St
Moore, OK 73170

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Basic Information
This facility offersRetirement FacilitiesIndependent Living and is operated by Grace Pointe LLC . Grace Pointe Cottage Neighborhood has a current rating of 10/10 based on 1 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. Grace Pointe Cottage Neighborhood is listed as a for-profit individually owned and operated business. The nearest services to Grace Pointe Cottage Neighborhood are Rambling Oaks , Meadowlake Estates , Avail Home Health , Century Home Health and HiLLCrest Nursing Center . This facility/service is rated for 99seniors. This service is described as Gated Neighborhood. The main contact for Grace Pointe Cottage Neighborhood is Karen Masters.
Average Review10 Star Ratingbased on 1 Review(s) Create A Review
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Contact Information
Name: Grace Pointe Cottage Neighborhood
Address: 1500 NW 12th St
Location: Moore, OK 73170
Org. Type: for-profit individually owned and operated business
Details About Grace Pointe Cottage Neighborhood
Ourmunity is designed to inspire you to be active and enjoy your surroundings! Take a stroll on the walking trail enjoying the beauty of ponds and waterfalls along the way. Invite grandchildren over to go fishing in the duck pond, or just have a relaxing picnic by the water. If you prefer a more stringent exercise routine, take advantage of our quality fitness room.
Grace Pointe Cottage Neighborhood Reviews
10 Star Rating
Maintenance Free Living
"Before moving to Grace Pointe, I had AC problems, toilet problems and sprinkler problems all in one summer! My son would like to help with maintenance, but I start to feel guilty. here, I don't have any lawns to mow or anything else to worry about. My family thinks Grace Pointe is a great deal, not only for their sake but mine too. "There's really nothing else out there like Grace Pointe. It's a different look and feel from similar communities as far as quality, design and amenities. It really was everything that I was looking for. Here I really feel that I'm part of a fun and close knit community neighborhood. "I can come and go when I like and I feel secure and safe. Everyone in the neighborhood is over the age of 55, goes to bed early and has the same habits that I do, so it's a good fit. Independently, I can take care of myself, I just don't want to be billed for something that I won't be using. Grace Pointe is perfect for that!"
Posted by: nlarsenOn 07/08/2014

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