Brookline Village Request Pricing

1930 Cliffside Drive
State College, PA 16801

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Basic Information
This facility offersAssisted Living in Centre County and is operated by Brookline Associates . Brookline Village has a current rating of 4/10 based on 1 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. Brookline Village is listed as a Profit . The nearest services to Brookline Village are Brookline Home Care and Hospice , Brookline Home Care & Hospice , Gentiva Health Services State College , Fairways At Brookline and Foxdale Village . This facility/service is rated for 174seniors. This service is described as Personal Care Home.
ID or License No: 343020- Licenses may be pulled at any time so please confirm the status with the service or your local government licensing organization.
Average Review4 Star Ratingbased on 1 Review(s) Create A Review
Contact Information
Name: Brookline Village
Address: 1930 Cliffside Drive
Location: State College, PA 16801
County: Centre
(888) 857-0829
(814) 238-3139
Org. Type: Profit
Details About Brookline Village
Brookline Village Reviews
4 Star Rating
Brookline Nursing Care Review -- Shocking!
Let me first say that my parent was admitted to Brookline Nursing in the fall of 2009 and stayed for six weeks. While the staff we're professional and responsive, the rooms needed help. One old TV per two residents doesn't make for happy campers! On a positive note, the dinning room has a great view and that's the ONLY good thing about the dinning. The food is the most disgusting mess I have ever seen served. I witnessed residents throwing up their food on multiple occasions. If you truly care about a loved one you cannot rely on the nutrition and food that is served at Brookline. You must bring in food to truly assist in your loved ones recovery. Brookline Nursing was also in State Violations last year so, be aware of this. It's clear that management either does not care about food quality and or grossly under-funds it.
Posted by: webeoneOn 01/04/2010

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