Bethesda Gardens Request Pricing

1103 W Arkansas Ln
Arlington, TX 76013

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Basic Information
This is 1 of about 16 options operated by Bethesda Senior Living . You may want to checkout some of the overall reviews for Bethesda Senior Living.

This facility offersAssisted Living in Tarrant County and is operated by Bethesda Senior Living . Bethesda Gardens has a current rating of 5/10 based on 1 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. Bethesda Gardens is listed as a Non-profit Organization. The nearest services to Bethesda Gardens are Allstar Healthcare, Inc. , New Heights Healthcare Agency , Brookdale Arlington , Emmanuel Healthcare Services and Tritrax Rehabilitation . This facility/service is rated for 75seniors. This service is described as Assisted Living.
Warning:This facility may have had a previous violation during a state inspections. This could be a very simple issue or a safely-related issue. Please check the state licensing site and/or for more details.
Average Review5 Star Ratingbased on 1 Review(s) Create A Review
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Contact Information
Name: Bethesda Gardens
Address: 1103 W Arkansas Ln
Location: Arlington, TX 76013
Org. Type: Non-profit Organization
Details About Bethesda Gardens

Instead of trying to cope with your loved one’s increasing needs, you can spend more time enjoying time together. Bethesda Gardens Assisted Living Arlington can open a new world for your loved one, while giving you hope and peace.

Arlington Assisted Living at Bethesda Gardens - Bringing Families Closer Together

Caring for a loved one can be stressful; however the right assisted living can help ease the burden. Many families feel anxiety moving their loved into assisted living, unsure about the mental and physical transition.

However, when it comes to Bethesda Gardens Assisted Living Arlington, we have customized a care program that not only meets your loved one’s needs, but enhances their life.

Our extensive amenities will keep your loved one engaged and pampered:

  • Regularly scheduled events – movie nights, gardening, and football parties
  • Games and Clubs – Bridge, Bingo, Wii games,  Stamp Club and more . . .
  • Special events – holiday celebrations, dances, sing-alongs, inspirational readings
  • Exercise and wellness – yoga, walking groups, tai chi and medication management
  • Housekeeping and laundry services – say goodbye to cleaning and laundry
  • Restaurant style dining – go “out to eat” every night of the week
  • Salon services – full salon services from hair and make-up to nails
  • ….and much more

Our Bethesda Gardens Assisted Living Arlington facility provides individual apartment living clustered around shared common areas. We offer six luxurious floor plans you can choose from to accommodate your needs.  Walk-in closets and kitchenettes make a cozy home atmosphere. Our apartments are designed to offer a maintenance-free retirement option for assisted living in Arlington.

Bethesda Gardens Reviews
5 Star Rating
Administrative Warning
An inspection of Bethesda Foundation DBA Bethesda Gardens occurred on 07/01/2008 . There were 13 violations of state standards cited.
Posted by: AdminOn 06/17/2008

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