Elmcroft at Bedford Request Pricing

3800 Central Dr
Bedford, TX 76021

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Basic Information
This is 1 of about 55 options operated by Elmcroft Senior Living . You may want to checkout some of the overall reviews for Elmcroft Senior Living.

This facility offersAssisted Living in Tarrant County and is operated by Elmcroft Senior Living . Elmcroft at Bedford has a current rating of 5/10 based on 1 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. Elmcroft at Bedford is listed as a for-profit corporation. The nearest services to Elmcroft at Bedford are Home Well Senior Care , Gentiva Health Services , Good Sheperd Home Health Services, Inc. , Professional Home Health Care Inc and Brookdale Eden Estates . This facility/service is rated for 118seniors. This service is described as Assisted Living.
Warning:This facility may have had a previous violation during a state inspections. This could be a very simple issue or a safely-related issue. Please check the state licensing site and/or Medicare.com for more details.
Average Review5 Star Ratingbased on 1 Review(s) Create A Review
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Contact Information
Name: Elmcroft at Bedford
Address: 3800 Central Dr
Location: Bedford, TX 76021
County: Tarrant
(877) 386-8069
Website: elmcroft.com/
(817) 283-6604
Org. Type: for-profit corporation
Details About Elmcroft at Bedford
Hearthstone Mission

To provide quality and affordable assisted living care and services that offer value and exceed the expectations of our residents and their families.

Hearthstone Philosophy

Aging gracefully and with dignity is very important to us. The Hearthstone teams focus on maximizing the independence of each resident through special health and wellness programs and meaningful social interactions with family and friends to enhance the mind, body and soul.

Every person and every situation is unique and Hearthstone is committed to ensuring that each resident has a personalized care and service plan that is reviewed regularly and adapted as needed.

Aging In Place Philosophy

Our company is dedicated to helping our residents comfortably receive the right care they need at the time they need it with our Aging in Placephilosophy. Should our residents’ care needs change, we adapt easily to meet their needs; meaning your loved one most often can remain in their suite with no need to relocate as they age.

Why Choose Us?

At Hearthstone, our approach is to care for “all” the needs of our residents; physical, emotional, social and intellectual. Our “heart is in it” and we give everything we can to ensure that every one of our residents is treated with the love, respect and dignity that they so well deserve.

We understand that choosing an assisted living community is sometimes a difficult decision, and that is why we do our best to make that decision easier for you and your family. Our customized care plans that allow for aging in one place, our one-story buildings that support increased mobility, our varied social events that allow for choices in everyday activities and dining, and, most importantly, our well-trained staff of caring professionals is what sets Hearthstone apart in the choices that you have for an assisted living community.

Elmcroft at Bedford Reviews
5 Star Rating
Administrative Warning
An inspection of Hearthstone At Bedford occurred on 06/10/2008 . This facility had 9 complaints (5 confirmed) in 2006, 2007 and 2008 period.
Posted by: AdminOn 06/17/2008

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