Flower Mound Assisted Living Community Request Pricing

6051 Morriss Rd
Flower Mound, TX 75028

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Basic Information
This is 1 of about 16 options operated by Ridgeline Management Company . You may want to checkout some of the overall reviews for Ridgeline Management Company.

This facility offersIndependent LivingAssisted LivingShort-Term/Respite Care in Denton County and is operated by Ridgeline Management Company . Flower Mound Assisted Living Community has a current rating of 5/10 based on 1 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. Flower Mound Assisted Living Community is listed as a for-profit limited liability corporation. The nearest services to Flower Mound Assisted Living Community are Potters Healthcare Services The , Rambling Oaks Courtyard Assisted Living Residence , Rambling Oaks Courtyard Extensive Care Community , Home Helpers 58170 and Home Helpers/Direct Link 58073 . This facility/service is rated for 78seniors. This service is described as Assisted Living.
Warning:This facility may have had a previous violation during a state inspections. This could be a very simple issue or a safely-related issue. Please check the state licensing site and/or Medicare.com for more details.
Average Review5 Star Ratingbased on 1 Review(s) Create A Review
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Contact Information
Name: Flower Mound Assisted Living Community
Address: 6051 Morriss Rd
Location: Flower Mound, TX 75028
County: Denton
(866) 592-8292
(972) 539-9444
Org. Type: for-profit limited liability corporation
Details About Flower Mound Assisted Living Community

Among the many choices you have for senior living in our area, Flower Mound is one where you can feel a real sense ofmunity. We are smaller in size, providing personal attention and care for each resident and family member. We go beyond knowing a face or a name, we get to know everyone that walks through our doors just as we would our own family.

Whether you are a Boomer seeking the best for your mom, a senior interested in securing your own future care, or someone who enjoys the companionship and wisdom of elders—you have started in the right place. Our mission guides us in creating a senior services environment where elders are in charge of their lives. We support each individual’s choices and desires to be healthy, continue to grow, and experience elderhood to its fullest.

At Flower Mound, we believe in the power of staff, families, and elders working together to create a real sense of community: where they enjoy living and working every day. We invite you to visit Flower Mound Assisted Living to experience the joy and security we can help provide.

Flower Mound Assisted Living Community Reviews
5 Star Rating
Administrative Warning
An inspection of Flower Mound Assisted Living Community occurred on 07/02/2008 . There were 4 violations of state standards cited.
Posted by: AdminOn 06/17/2008

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