Magnolia Manor Request Pricing

510 E Bonham
Jefferson, TX 75657

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Basic Information
This facility offersNursing Home Services in Marion County. Magnolia Manor has a current rating of 0/10 based on 2 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. Magnolia Manor is listed as a for-profit corporation. The nearest services to Magnolia Manor are Advanced Patient Care Inc. , Pine Hill Nursing And Rehabilitation LP , Cypress Place , This facility/service is rated for 68seniors. This service is described as Nursing Home Facility.
Average Review0 Star Ratingbased on 2 Review(s) Create A Review
Contact Information
Name: Magnolia Manor
Address: 510 E Bonham
Location: Jefferson, TX 75657
County: Marion
(888) 655-5454
(903) 665-3903
Medicare Accepted / Medicaid Accepted
Org. Type: for-profit corporation
Details About Magnolia Manor
Magnolia Manor Reviews
0 Star Rating
I have a grandmother at this facility. While visiting I have had employees brag what a great job they do and how they take care of residents. One personally called my grandmother's doctor to request an increase and refills of a sedative that was only to be given for a single week. She lied to the doctor to get those sedatives. Then bragged about how she does this for everyone in the home so that they are all nice and quiet and sleep in the chairs all day. I saw this woman shoving elderly residents around, not speaking to them and explaining what she wanted. Shoving in a harmful manor. Residents have no ability to contact the outside world or to make complaints of their treatment. You cannot get any kind of video proof when one of them is harmed while in the home's care. Having my grandmother there has been an absolute nightmare that I hope this review can protect another from.
Posted by: nlarsenOn 01/13/2012

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