Trisun Assisted Living-Pavillion Request Pricing

211 Cedar Dr
Portland, TX 78374

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Basic Information
This is 1 of about 20 options operated by TRISUN Healthcare . You may want to checkout some of the overall reviews for TRISUN Healthcare.

This facility offersAssisted Living in San Patricio County and is operated by TRISUN Healthcare . Trisun Assisted Living-Pavillion has a current rating of 5/10 based on 1 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. Trisun Assisted Living-Pavillion is listed as a for-profit limited liability corporation. The nearest services to Trisun Assisted Living-Pavillion are Port Homecare Services Inc , Abby Home Health , Coastal Home Health, Inc. , Humana Hospital Home Health Services and Interim HealthCare . This facility/service is rated for 40seniors. This service is described as Assisted Living.
Warning:This facility may have had a previous violation during a state inspections. This could be a very simple issue or a safely-related issue. Please check the state licensing site and/or for more details.
Average Review5 Star Ratingbased on 1 Review(s) Create A Review
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Contact Information
Name: Trisun Assisted Living-Pavillion
Address: 211 Cedar Dr
Location: Portland, TX 78374
County: San Patricio
(866) 592-8292
(361) 777-4250
Org. Type: for-profit limited liability corporation
Details About Trisun Assisted Living-Pavillion

The Pavilion Assisted Living Center, located at 211 Cedar Dr. in Portland, provides an ideal living arrangement for residents who need limited daily help with care. The 35-unit center is warm and friendly, and residents bring their own furnishings so that each suite reflects their taste and style. The bright and cheerful environment, along with an array of fun activities, makes The Pavilion an ideal environment for active seniors.

Our full-time life enrichment director plans activities that promote fun and vitality. We offer a private dining room where residents can celebrate special occasions with their loved ones and an on-site beauty shop.

We understand the importance of variety in meals and offer an a la carte dining program that allows residents to order from a menu, choosing from an array of delicious entrees and side dishes.

The center is located adjacent to TRISUN Care Center Coastal Palms, a 24-hour skilled nursing facility, providing a continuum of care from assisted living to skilled nursing and rehab.

Trisun Assisted Living-Pavillion Reviews
5 Star Rating
Administrative Warning
An inspection of Trisun Assisted Living-Pavillion occurred on 04/10/2008 . This facility had 8 complaints (0 confirmed) in 2006, 2007 and 2008 period. DADS approved a change of ownership from COASTAL PALMS NURSING & REHAB CENTER LLC to F E DEERE INC.
Posted by: AdminOn 06/17/2008

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