Amerisist of Stephens City Request Pricing

110 Spanish Oak Road
Stephens City, VA 22655

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Basic Information
This is 1 of about 7 options operated by Amerisist Assisted Living . You may want to checkout some of the overall reviews for Amerisist Assisted Living.

This facility offersAssisted Living in Frederick County and is operated by Amerisist Assisted Living . Amerisist of Stephens City has a current rating of 4/10 based on 1 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. The nearest services to Amerisist of Stephens City are Bon Air Home , Home Instead Senior Care , Royal Haven of Winchester , The Willows at Meadow Branch and Caring Angels Home Health . This facility/service is rated for 39seniors. This service is described as Assisted Living Facility. The main contact for Amerisist of Stephens City is Ms. Lori Vaughn.
Warning:This facility may have had a previous violation during a state inspections. This could be a very simple issue or a safely-related issue. Please check the state licensing site and/or for more details.
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Contact Information
Name: Amerisist of Stephens City
Address: 110 Spanish Oak Road
Location: Stephens City, VA 22655
County: Frederick
(888) 655-5454
Contact: Ms. Lori Vaughn
(540) 868-0200
Details About Amerisist of Stephens City

Since 2002, Amerisist has offered quality, carefree living for seniors in Stephens City and we aremitted to being an integral part of our community.Our 39 bed Assisted Living facility has several different apartment floor plans to meet individual needs. The size and layout of the community allows each person to have personalized care and feel at home. 

In addition to the services of housekeeping, meals, activities and administration of medications we offer transportation to area doctors, complimentary beauty/barber services and have a wonderful working relationship with Home Health and Hospice to provide any ordered therapies such as physical or occupational therapy or nursing. Each room has an emergency call system should a resident need our assistance thus providing that safety net for emergencies.

Located in beautiful Frederick County, Stephens City offers historic homes, antique shops and gourmet restaurants. Frederick County is boasts portions of the Appalachian Trail, Skyline Drive and the George Washington National Forest. Stephens City is also convenient to Winchester, home of the famous Apple Blossom Festival. We organize resident participation in community events with transportation provided by our handicapped accessible vans.

Amerisist of Stephens City Reviews
4 Star Rating
Not Impressed
My brother was there for 4 months before I saw the light and moved him to a more lively, and better staffed, place. The straw that broke the camel's back was when I found out that they had not taken him to 3 doctor/nurse appointments because there was nobody available to do so. A lot was promised, but little delivered. The activities are limited, and so is the food, which is served at set times for a limited period. I also was not happy that it took me months to get my brother a refund for over-paying. The person who does the billing works part time, and while she was very pleasant, she was hard to reach and I felt like I was pulling teeth to even get a callback. I honestly can't say I recommend this place. Perhaps they try, but they just don't seem staffed up enough to be able to handle what they need to handle - which is quite a bit, given the number of people who need assistance. I managed to negotiate for my brother a private studio (instead of a shared suite) at a much nicer place in suburban Alexandria for a year for the same price. My brother is much happier there.
Posted by: nlarsenOn 03/15/2012

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