Many seniors go directly from the hospital to Hospice Care after a serious fall, aneurysm or stroke. In this case, the hospital may make a recommendation for a Hospice care provider (that pays the hospital for customers) and most family are too grief stricken to look for other options. If a senior has a slowly degrading medical condition, the family has more time to find a Colorado Hospice Care center that will make a difference. Either way, this time is very stressful.

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2754 Compass Drive Grand Junction, CO 81506-8-07 Hospice of the Grand Valley offers hospice care for seniors near the end of life. It is the goal of hosipice to optimize the final days of life by providing intensive care. Most hospice services like Hospice of the Grand Valley also work with families of seniors to help heal the pain associated ...
 Hospice CareHome Residential Senior Care
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