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The state of Vermont is very small with a population of only 600,000 residents. This provides for a somewhat more limited list of assisted living facility options. Selecting an assisted living facility is a critical decision. Because Medicare does not cover the cost, an assisted living facility can be huge burden that can turn into a long-term residency draining a retirement fund. This site was created to help supplement the Vermont Department of human resources sites in giving complete information about potential assisted living facilities. Their site includes a safety inspection records.

Vermont Assisted LivingOur site includes photos, details about amenities, maps, reviews from existing residents and much more detailed.who information that can be critical when choosing an assisted living facility. In my case, I had to fly home and quickly find assisted living and nursing home facilities after my father had a stroke. Since I had been out of the state for some time and my father lives in one of the states with horrible traffic, going from one facility to another was a difficult task. Comparing apples-to-apples was difficult enough on a good day and I only had limited time to make the decision since he was going to be discharged from the hospital and was unable to go home. Since that day, I built this site to make this task simpler for everyone. If you are searching for a Vermont assisted living facility, we hope you find this site useful and that you will return and reviewed your chosen assisted living facility.

Vermont assisted living facility licensing

All assisted living facilities and Vermont are licensed by the division of licensing and protection they perform annual inspections and maintain records in-house. To get a copy of an inspection report, you can call the Vermont Division of Licensing and Protection at 802-241-2345.You may also use this same number to file complaints against assisted living facilities and to request copies of complaints for an assisted living facility that you are interested in. Try to minimize your list of possible assisted living facility options before contacting this organization.

This directory includes 96assisted living options for Vermont. Use the "Advance Search" to find the nearest 40 senior services based on your desired location or select a city and then choose a tab to see different types of senior care including nursing homes, Alzheimer's care centers, CCRCs, independent living, in-home and hospice care.