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If you are searching for an assisted living facility in Washington state, you have come to the right place. When it comes to selecting an assisted living facility, most people prefer a location close to friends and family. another important factor in selecting and assisted living facility is the availability of specialized senior medical care. For this reason many of the larger cities are an excellent choice for assisted living. The availability to state of the art medical facilities including cancer treatment and debilitating injuries makes the more dense areas attractive to seniors with health issues. With over 6 million residents and the state of Washington there is an excellent selection of assisted living facilities. Since Medicare does not cover the expenses associated with assisted living, the cost of the specials care is especially important when selecting a location.

Washington assisted livingIf you click on the link for each facility, you will find detailed information about the facility and in many cases this may include the costs and reviews by existing residents. Our listings also include full contact information. Most people, who use this site, select a dozen or so assisted living centers near their home as potential candidates. They'd been reduced this list based on amenities, location, cost and personal factors. Once they have reduced their list down to two or three, the then use our free checklist to dig deep and find out all the details before they make a final decision on an assisted living center.

Washington State Assisted Living Facility Licensing

Washington State assisted living facilities are licensed by the Aging and Disability Service of the Department of Social and Health Services. Assisted living facilities must be inspected every 18 months maximum and are typically inspected every 15 months. To get copies of inspection reports on an assisted living facility, contacted the aging and disability office at 800-422-3263.

Washington State Assisted Living Facility Complaints

To file a complaint against an assisted living facility. called the complaint hotline at 800-562-6078. to check for complaints against the guy a specific assisted living facility, call the aging and disability office at 800-422-3263. Try to pare down your list of potential assisted living facilities before you contact the office to get a list of complaints and other licensing information.

This directory includes 3805assisted living options for Washington. Use the "Advance Search" to find the nearest 40 senior services based on your desired location or select a city and then choose a tab to see different types of senior care including nursing homes, Alzheimer's care centers, CCRCs, independent living, in-home and hospice care.

Nursing Homes
Here are the direct links to Longview WA Nursing Homes , Olympia Nursing Homes , Port Angeles Nursing Homes , Seattle Nursing Homes , Spokane Nursing Homes , Tacoma Nursing Homes , Vancouver Nursing Homes , Walla Walla Nursing Homes , Wenatchee Nursing Homes , Yakima Nursing Homes , Bremerton Nursing Homes , Kennewick Nursing Homes , or use the advanced search and limit your results to Nursing Homes.