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There are two sides to retiring in Wyoming. On one hand, the cost of living is very low and your retirement dollars go along way. As the other hand, the entire population of the state is only around one half million so there is a much more limited selection of assisted living facilities than in other larger states. Of course, most people base their assisted living facility selection on proximity to friends and family. Since many seniors enter an assisted living facility after a health event unlike a aneurysm, fall or stroke, the most important factor in selecting an assisted living facility is staying close to home until the senior can return to normal life. There are only a hand full of licensed assisted living facilities in Wyoming.

Staying in the area can help retaining some strong roots and avoid having problems with disorientation. Some seniors that live in an independent life may need to move to another state in order to get the assisted living support that they need. Regardless of the assisted living facility, it is always best to have an external advocate to make sure that the senior is getting the best service possible. Other important factors in selecting a Wyoming assisted living facility are cost, safety and amenities. Since the cost of assisted living is not covered by Medicare, this housing can be a huge burden on some budgets. safety is always an important consideration so you can check Wyoming social services to find out if an assisted living facility had any nonconforming areas. You may also check out the reviews of assisted-living facilities on the side. We are all such are nine to list information about amenities to make selecting the best Wyoming assisted living facility a simpler task.

Wyoming Assisted Living Facility Inspections / Complaints

Wyoming assisted living facilities are inspected annually by health care licensing and survey. You may contact health care licensing and survey at 307-777-7123 to request a copy of an inspection report or to get copy of a complaint filed against an assisted living facility. Use this number if you wish to file a complaint against the assisted living facility.

This directory includes 199assisted living options for Wyoming. Use the "Advance Search" to find the nearest 40 senior services based on your desired location or select a city and then choose a tab to see different types of senior care including nursing homes, Alzheimer's care centers, CCRCs, independent living, in-home and hospice care.

Nursing Homes
Here are the direct links to Sheridan Nursing Homes , or use the advanced search and limit your results to Nursing Homes.