New Review For Royal Gardens I By New User
Review This Assisted Living Facility
Assisted Living at Royal Gardens I
9127 N Backer Ave Fresno, CA 93720
(559) 240-0728
24/7 Assisted living for short/long term. Care for Senior/Elderly, Alzheimer's, Hospice, Respite, and Dementia. Individually tailored exercise/entertainment/menu care program for individual client needs. Three facilities in Fresno and Clovis, California. This facility offersState LicensedContinuum CareAssisted LivingAlzheimer's CareShort-Term Care andHospice Care.
Your Review
Review Title:
Overall Rating:

Exceptional Service, Cost and Amenities (Outstanding in every way).
This service is one of the best in the business.
I would recommend this service everyone.
This service is above average in all aspects.
This service is recommend but may not be for everyone.
AVERAGE: This service has both advantages and disadvantages.
This service is below average for service, cost or amenities.
This service has substandard performance.
This service is not recommended.
This level is used for facilities that are on the federal safetly watch list.
I would not recommend this service to my worst enemy.

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