Gracy Woods Nursing Center Request Pricing

12021 Metric Blvd
Austin, TX 78758

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Basic Information
This facility offersNursing Home Services in Travis County. Gracy Woods Nursing Center has a current rating of 0/10 based on 1 Review(s) by Assisted Senior Living users. Gracy Woods Nursing Center is listed as a for-profit corporation. The nearest services to Gracy Woods Nursing Center are Gracy Woods II Living Center , Park Bend Health Center , Brookdale Parmer Lane , Coram Alternate Site Services and Coram Alternate Site Services Inc . This facility/service is rated for 118seniors. This service is described as Nursing Home Facility.
Average Review0 Star Ratingbased on 1 Review(s) Create A Review
Contact Information
Name: Gracy Woods Nursing Center
Address: 12021 Metric Blvd
Location: Austin, TX 78758
County: Travis
(866) 592-8292
(512) 228-3300
Medicare Accepted / Medicaid Accepted
Org. Type: for-profit corporation
Details About Gracy Woods Nursing Center
Gracy Woods Nursing Center Reviews
0 Star Rating
Theft and fraud
They work really hard at Gracy Woods to make sure that when they're not stealing from your relative , they're stealing from you . 6 Different business office managers in lees than two years means that there is no one there to answer questions about your billing when you are billed 40,000 dollars over what you owe , and even when there is someone in the job the only way to get them to return calls is to not pay their fraudulent bills. By that time of course they are threatening to throw your family member out on the street for amounts you don't even owe them. When you report theft of your loved one's belongings do not expect a response, if you get a response at all it will be " We'll we asked around , and no one knew anything ... so that's it ."
Posted by: nlarsenOn 03/22/2011

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